My good friend Julie is visiting from Phoenix this week. She heard about the minus 10 degree weather and just couldn’t resist.
![dscn0595 view out my front door](
I first meet Julie when I had a one-line part in a friend’s play. The play was about whether gay people should be allowed to own house plants.
We soon found ourselves hanging in the same circle, you know the non-paid but highly creative underground theatre crowd. I was in my late twenties and it finally felt like I had found my tribe.
Surrounded by creative, fun, free people I found my voice. It started with a piece I did called “Random Thoughts” for a late-night coffee house show. I just put a bunch of thoughts on index cards and rattled them off. To my surprise, I was a big hit.
I went on to write, direct and produce a one-act play called “Cindy Sparkles.” Before an attentive standing-room-only crowd my words came to life. It was truly one of the best moments of my life. OK, it was only seen at a small gallery in front of 100 people, but I was on top of the world.
Next came a monthly performance night called “Take Out: Emotional Leftovers”. Comedy skits, monologues and poems were just flowing out of me. But now, like the sink in our upstairs bathroom, it has slowed to a trickle, really just a drip.
Where did I lose my creative mojo?
I moved from Arizona, got married and had a son. I have continued to write non-fiction pieces for work, but I lost that creative groove. Without knowing people in Denver and eventually Chicago, I just reverted back to my grade school-introverted self. I understand now how important it is to know supportive like-minded people, like Julie. But mainly, it is just me feeling self-doubt about putting myself out there again.
I’m determined, with the dawning of this new year, this new hope-filled Obama Era, to get out there and get my creative writing and performing mojo back.
I feel more creative around you, too. J.
very similar feeling at the moment. i’m 75 pages into a novel i had a few good bursts on but right now i’m staring at the end and ca. not. write. it. uuuuuugh….i feel it, i know where i’m going with it, i can talk about it like it’s done, but the well has gone dry for actually writing it.
Hang in there. I would to love to hear more about your novel.
I know exactly what you’re talking about. I’m also a playwright, but just can’t get revved about breaking into the local theater scene all by my lonesome. I like comraderie and being a cog in a well-run machine. It’s comfortable. But here’s to ’09 being the year for getting out of our comfort zones!